Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

cara withdraw dan e wallet

add wallet
cara withdraw dan e wallet di addwallet
cara withdraw penarikan dan e wallet di addwallet

This tutorial will cover 2 aspects.
  1. Transfer Addwallet "Cash Balance" to " Ewallet Balance"
  2. Withdraw from Addwallet
How to Transfer from Cash balance to ewallet balance
[This is useful if the member wants to purchase more adpackages or pay his monthly subscription using cash balance]

1. Login your Addwallet account
2. Click on "cash" tab
3. Click on "Withdraw" tab as shown in pic below.

4. Now Click on " Move to ewallet" as shown in pic above.
5. You have successfully transferred your cash balance to your ewallet balance.
How to Withdraw from Addwallet

1. Login your addwallet account
2. Click on "Cash" tab
3. Click on "Withdraw cash" tab as shown in pic above 
4. Click withdraw.
5. You have successfully withdrawn your cashbalance from addwallet

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